Are You Searching For Wisdom In All The Wrong Places?

Where does wisdom come from and how do we get more of it? Asking for help, seeking and looking in the right places, and knocking on doors are all centered around the same premise, we need to take action when we’re looking for answers. But we often wander...

Answers To Life’s Biggest Questions

Have you ever wondered what to do with your life? Or have been in search of your purpose? We must take action first if we want answers to life’s biggest questions!  Regardless of how much education and research you’ve done never seems to be enough in...

Are You Running Out of Patience?

God is love; love is patient and kind, so God is patient and kind. Patience produces endurance, endurance produces perseverance, and perseverance builds our character. This character allows us to be calm in the storm! In this week’s episode, co-hosts Renée and...

Against All Guard Your Heart

Our senses allow us to take outside information that helps us understand and learn about the world around us. The word of God has a lot to say about what we should “open the gate” too. What comes out of our mouths is often what is in our hearts. Is what...

Simple Ways to Strengthen your Faith

How do we grow strong in our faith? Strengthening your faith is similar to exercising your body… You can’t go to the gym just one time and expect to have hit all your goals, right? In this week’s episode co-hosts Renée and Theresa talk about how to...

Shine Bright even in the darkness

2021 has arrived after a difficult 2020. We have the choice to show the world what love truly is. In our own strength, we are weak but when we plug into our creator we have the ability to shine bright. We have the ability to overcome darkness by letting our light...