Mar 19, 2018 | Relationships
Wouldn’t it be great if we could purchase relationship insurance? In the event of a broken heart, we could simply call “Triple-A’s” and get our relationship fixed fast! Relationship Insurance: Sign me up This blog is the last in our relationship series. Today, I want...
Mar 17, 2018 | Relationships
There’s an old ditty or song about an attitude of gratitude. The lyrics say attitude reflects every part of life. Why should we strive to cultivate an attitude of gratitude, especially in strained relationships? I often talk about a bad attitude in connection with...
Mar 16, 2018 | Relationships
One of the most meaningful and effective remedies for a strained relationship is accepting individual differences. Acceptance is more than words or empty gestures; it is primarily a matter of the heart. How do you honestly see others and how do you make them feel? I...
Mar 15, 2018 | Relationships
How to repair a broken relationship? That’s a hard question. The first aspect to consider is being agreeable. In a complicated relationship, being agreeable seems contrary to human nature. The natural reaction to a disagreement is defending the territory with a...
Mar 14, 2018 | Relationships
Have you ever experienced a strained relationship? Relationships are the best part of life! Consider what personal development author, Brian Tracy says: Learning how to maintain and develop superior human relationships can do more for your career and your personal...
Nov 20, 2017 | Relationships
Shhhh, I want to share something really, really personal and private. I haven’t talked to my husband about it, but it’s on my heart, and I want to share. It’s all about how to find true love. Let’s talk about love. How to find true love? How do...