Do you have stress in your life? Doesn’t everyone? Stress could come from demands of family life, your job, money issues, perhaps a painful breakup, or any number of other problems. Couldn’t we all use a boost of energy and a way to combat stress in our lives from time to time? Whenever I’m feeling extra pressure, need more energy, or clearer mind, there are two supplements I keep on hand. First is Vitamin B complex and the other is a high-quality fish oil.
Combat Stress with Vitamin B Complex
Why Vitamin B complex? B vitamins are needed for optimum function of our immune system. They also help boost our metabolism, increase energy, combat stress plus it helps keep our skin, hair, and nails healthy. Vitamin B complex helps us look and feel our best.
B Vitamins are amazing, but I typically don’t take them daily. I evaluate what kind of day I am going to have and decide if I need a boost. For instance, today I am videotaping, which tends to be stressful for me. Our bodies burn a lot of nutrients when we are under stress regardless if it’s good or bad stress. Planning a wedding, celebrating a graduation, or welcoming a new baby are all happy occasions but can be stressful at the same time. Even though they are joyous occasions and don’t seem stressful, they take a lot of energy from us right? Those are the times I take my Vitamin B, which to be honest is most days.
Planning a wedding, celebrating a graduation, or welcoming a new baby are all happy occasions but can be stressful at the same time. Even though they are joyous occasions and may not seem stressful, they take a lot of energy from us. Right? Those are the times I take my Vitamin B, which to be honest is most days.
How to choose?
What kind or brand of Vitamin B complex do I prefer? My favorite vitamin company is Garden of Life. They have a line called Vitamin Code, which includes a RAW Vitamin B complex. Why Raw? Raw means the whole food vitamins are uncooked, untreated and unadulterated. Vitamin Code formulas combine the best of nature and science with no binders, artificial flavors, colors or sugars.
The other thing that’s important is maintaining a healthy brain. We have to protect our brains from memory loss and diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. There is something called the myelin sheath, and that’s what deteriorates when we have memory issues.
Fish Oil for Brain Health
What can we do to protect our minds from declining? I take high-quality Omega 3. The EPA and DHA contained fish oil is not only good for healthy brain function, but also for heart and joint health. It has even been shown to help lower cholesterol.
When choosing a high-quality fish oil, it’s important to ensure the oxidation, and heavy metal levels meet or exceed the FDA regulatory standards. Fish oils are no different than any other lightly regulated dietary supplement categories, which are prone to contamination and inaccurate label claims. Also, look for oil that comes from un-farmed cold water fish.
Whether you’re looking for a way to combat stress or optimize your brain health, Vitamin B complex and fish oil are both great to add to your daily supplements regimen or at least in times of need. I call these to supplements my “as needed” supplements, and you should too.