I’m here sitting this morning in my great room by the fireplace just full of gratitude and amazement about the year that I just went through. I have an appointment this morning at 8:30 for a follow-up MRI to my kidney cancer diagnosis. It’s hard to believe it’s only...
The Emotional Heart The brain has always been considered to be the think tank of your body. It is the organ that is known to carry thoughts, feelings, urges, and emotions. Every single word that comes out of your mouth and every movement your hand makes is controlled...
“The Early Bird Gets the Worm… But is the Worm Worth Waking Up For?” Does being an early riser versus being a night owl affect your overall health and wealth? I have my theories on this, but maybe I’m biased. I have always been an early riser. When I started my first...
Movement is the fifth lesson in the healthy living series. Even people who do not like exercise need to move, for good reason. The latest statistics from scientists, physicians, and medical studies show that our sedentary lifestyle today has the equivalent effects...
Stress is not a new and novel concept. It is simply how the body reacts physically and psychologically to pressure in everyday life. During different points of life, everyone feels it. Work pressure and other things happenings may overwhelm you and lead to a...
Happiness often seems like an unattainable thing, something that everyone wants but few people have. It also seems like it’s something you must earn or something you have to stumble upon to get it, not something that you can get for yourself. However, this couldn’t be...
I’M Renée Teller, AND I’M A LIFE STRATEGIST. I work with motivated, ambitious women to realize their life purpose and create an executable plan to reach it. You have this ONE life – and I’m here to help you make it spectacular!