WVW #011 How do we change our focus from Fear to Faith?

How to change your focus from fear to faith isn’t always easy but it is possible! Fear has always been real for all us humans; in some way, some “thing” or even someone! What I learned studying neuroscience is it’s our brain’s way of...

WVW #010 What if you didn’t have to walk through life alone?

Human beings were never meant to walk through life alone. What if you could hire someone to walk beside you each and every day? I’ve hired hundreds of people over the years. Inevitably, you learn, there are all kinds of workers. As the saying goes some worth...

WVW #009 How to allow God to guide your path

There is a difference between knowing about someone and truly knowing them, right? It’s the same thing with God. It’s one thing to know he exists its another study his word. Once you know him like you know your best friend, his spirit comes alongside you...