There’s Power In Your Name

There’s power in your name! I have been fascinated with the meaning of people’s names.  When I meet someone, I really feel that there’s some deep meaning in their name and that there is clearly divine intervention when our parents pick our names.  In...

Facing Anxiety And Learning To Focus on Joy

We live in such a fast-paced world that the art of waiting for anything seems to be lost. But what if God himself is asking you to wait? How can you face the anxiety and focus on the joy, peace, and rest that could be possible during that time? Tune into this...

WVW #021 – Fake it till you make it!

Fake it till you make it means you take action regardless of your ability to accomplish the desired outcome. Sometimes we have to dress the part before becoming the part! For example, in the business world, I bought my Gucci suit long before I became a successful CPA....

WVW #013 Casting fear and anxiety to uncover your true self

Could you imagine your life without fear and anxiety? Fear and anxiety are most certainly ok to feel, after all, we are all humans! In this episode, we uncover why fear is actually good and necessary in your life but how to not let it control your life.  Win a free...