A Beginners Guide To Movement

A Beginners Guide To Movement

Movement is the fifth lesson in the healthy living series.  Even people who do not like exercise need to move, for good reason.  The latest statistics from scientists, physicians, and medical studies show that our sedentary lifestyle today has the equivalent effects...
Do You Know These Crucial Healthy Living Secrets?

Do You Know These Crucial Healthy Living Secrets?

Do you believe your health is the cornerstone of your entire life? If we do not have our health what do we have, right? It affects everything from how you interact with your family and in your relationships, to how you perform at your job, and how you feel every day...
A Beginners Guide To Healthy Breathing

A Beginners Guide To Healthy Breathing

How far can we go in life without air?  We can survive weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without air in our lungs.  It affects every function of the body and yet, we take it for granted.  Air, or more specifically oxygen, is vital for life. Air...