A Lifestyle Blog To Help You Live Life With Purpose

How Reducing Stress Can Slow Down Aging Process
Slowing down the aging process starts with simply reducing the stress in your life. Stress may seem like a common focus, but it is a vital step on the anti-aging journey. Stress is an especially important aspect of managing because the subtle effects can be...

Sugar Alternatives: Steps to Fight Sugar Addiction
Sugar addiction is both harmful and devastating to our health. Step one in the fight against sugar addiction is to gradually replace alternative sugars with natural sugars. There are two more focus areas: sugar alternatives and education. Step Two: Sugar...

Are You Addicted to Sugar? Fighting Sugar Addiction
Sugar continuously proves to be the drug we know it is. The more research it generates, the further confirmation there is on the dangers of consuming too much sugar. In general, sugar is overused, present in almost every product on the market, shockingly addictive...

The Difference Between Resolutions & Being Resolute
Resolutions are something that a lot of people make at the beginning of a new year, or whenever they're ready for change or a fresh start. They make a pact with themselves about what they want to do differently, or what they ought to try that they've never done...

A Beginners Guide To Healthy Breathing
How far can we go in life without air? We can survive weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without air in our lungs. It affects every function of the body and yet, we take it for granted. Air, or more specifically oxygen, is vital for life. Air...

Benefits of Sleep: Beginners Guide To Sleeping for Health
Benefits of Sleep: It Has Healing Powers Let me tell you a secret about myself. A little over a year and a half ago, I was diagnosed with the same cancer that took my mother’s life. It was a terrible feeling and took me by surprise. There are so many stories I could...